Join us for SpaceKind Training. Help launch a new era of space exploration.
The next course starts January 21, 2025
Tuesdays at noon Pacific for 8 weeks
This course will be led by SpaceKind Founder: Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides
with Group Leads: Alex Karl, Swetha Kotichintala, + more

What is included in the training?
- 75-minute sessions over zoom each week for 8 weeks (1st and last sessions are 90 minutes to allow everyone to share) —plus optional after class socials.
(We start a new crew each Jan, May, and Sept, with start times alternating between 5pm or 12pm Pacific). - We also offer a Star Level Package that has you in the Small Group of your Choice for the breakout sessions, includes a 1-on-1 call at the beginning and end of the course, and sponsors a scholarship for a crew member.
Invest eight weeks in your training and development as a SpaceKind Leader. This non-traditional learning course will invite you to open your heart, define your dreams, and share your life vision. We will use Loretta’s book The New Right Stuff as our text book as we do sharing and exercises that help us navigate our own hero’s journey and come out the other end ready to make our unique contribution to the cosmos.
Come join a community of people ready to shake up the status quo and fulfill what they came to Earth to do.
Order your copy of The New Right Stuff today (from the Amazon affiliate closest to your country) to make sure it arrives ASAP. We highly recommend getting a hard copy of the book to refer to, mark up, or pass on to others and a copy of the Audible that you can listen to throughout the week while commuting, working out or doing work around the house.

The New Right Stuff was written for you. Imagine a program created to support you in fulfilling what you came to Earth to do. The New Right Stuff will take you on a hero’s journey: to find your calling, to face your dark side, to be the person you have always wanted to be, and to capture your dream and to return home to share the wisdom you have gained from your journey with others using Space as a backdrop for the whole adventure. Why? Because Space is a powerful reminder of what we are capable of as a species. Space can be the source of inspiration for each of us fulfilling our part in creating what visionary Buckminster Fuller called, “a world that works for everyone.”
For those of us called to greatness…
for those of us called to make a profound difference in the world…
…called to be of service to humanity…
The New Right Stuff is the book designed to bring out the best in all of us.
Now imagine reading it as part of a SpaceKind leadership course created by Loretta Whitesides!
Sign up now by clicking the blue “Sign up Now” button!
SpaceKind Syllabus - The Hero's Journey
1- Ordinary World– We will see much we do by habit, unconsciously, and what could become possible if we were more aware of what we do. We will write down what we want to get out of the training, what we came to Earth to do, and meet each other.
2- We Meet Our Mentor– We will be a Jedi Listening exercise- listening to people’s greatness. We will cross the Threshold into the Special World by making a bold commitment.
3- Dark Side– We go into our cave and confront the darkest aspects of ourselves. Then we practice turning our “mess” into our message. We ask the important question- Is it true?
4- “Do or Do not There is no Try”- The Hero prepared for the major challenge- Luke trains in Degobah, we work on our integrity. Don’t throw anyone under the sand crawler.
5- Death, Ordeal, and Rebirth– The Hero must face death and then come out the other side transformed. In this session we will look at what needs to die in us for us to live the life we really want. We take on having a courageous conversation.
6- The Reward, Seizing the Sword– We explore gratitude as the antidote to disappointment or upset. We work on our gratitude lists and reach out to someone special in our lives and thank them for all they have done for us.
7- Everyone is Redeemable– The final challenge of our journey. We take on upgrading our relationship with our parents to open up what is possible in all of our relationships and come back to our community ready to pay it forward.
8- Return Home– We each share what we took on during the journey, we we got out of it, and how we are going to share it with those around us. We will each create the next steps for us in our mission to keep growing and training.
3 hours per week. An hour and 15 minutes for our live classroom (1st and last sessions are 90 minutes to allow everyone to share), 30 minutes to do the weekly reading (or audio book listening), 15 minutes to check in with your buddy, 1 hour to take on the weekly challenge in your life and as much time as you want to work on forwarding the projects in your life that you care most about!
No worries. You can still join at the 2nd session and catch up. If you can make it though, it’s a great chance to meet the others in your cohort.
This class is great for people early in their space careers, people in transition, people looking at what is next for them and people who are passionate about using the power of space to bring out the best in them! We have people at all stages of their careers. We find it fits best people who have completed their first degree to people who are looking at their encore career.
No worries. Just order it and you can use the Kindle version or the Audible book until your copy arrives.
Who: Anyone in the space community, or interested in using the New Right Stuff to elevate their life.
What: Weekly 75 minute zoom call (1st and last sessions are 90 minutes to allow everyone to share) with one-on-one sharing, in class exercises and discussions of the book “The New Right Stuff.” plus a chapter a week reading assignment and other weekly challenges to help you create a life you love.
When: Once a week for 8 weeks starting in Jan, May, and Sept. Cohorts meet from either 12-1:15pm Pacific/3-4:15pm Eastern, or 5pm-6:15pm Pacific/7pm-8:15pm Eastern, depending on the cohort.
Where: On Zoom (link will be sent) and with an Online Classroom + Forum for in-between session conversations.
Why: To help you become who you have always wanted to be and fulfill what you came to Earth to do.
How Much: $500 for professionals. We also offer a $950 Star Pack package. The book is required and should be borrowed or bought on Amazon. I also recommend getting the audiobook in addition to the paperback so you can listen each week as well as have the book for reference and to use as a workbook. (Note: authors don’t get paid when you buy an audio book with a credit, so I am not suggesting that to get more money. I am suggesting it because the audiobook is a powerful tool that may help your brain absorb the material easier.)
Tailored Prices are available if money feels like a barrier – see payment page for a link to the application.Course Tuition
Start your journey here!-
8-week LIVE online training program
LinkedIn Certificate after successful completion
Access to a thriving Space Network
Payment options available
Star Pack
Elevate yourself and beyond!-
All features available with tuition
Two (2) 1:1 sessions with your choice of Spacekind Lead
Your choice of small group
Sponsor a Spacekind Scholarship

Video Course
Take our self-paced, video-only version of the course and start anytime. Sign up and start your journey TODAY! Invite some friends or colleagues and you can all do it together! Tuition for the SpaceKind video course is just $49.
Special Thanks to Marcel Kaufmann for coining the term SpaceKind and graciously allowing us to create this training around the term! We would not be here without our serendipitous meeting in the ISU cafeteria and his very cool SpaceKind t-shirt!
Thank you Marcel for all that you do for space!
Thank you also to Richard Condon who has added so much to my life and helped me design this course.
– Loretta

Already Taken SpaceKind Training?
Ready to get back in the community and continue your journey? Join us for SpaceKind Level II. 8 more sessions with weekly challenges, discussions on the reading, exercises and support! Take it all to the next level. Come join the fun!